Photo: Justin Bieber, seen here in his limo.
We've had Swine Flu. The global economic meltdown. Underwear bombers. Icelandic volcanic ash.
And now there's Bieber Fever.
Hordes of pre-pubescent girls ran rogue in Australia yesterday, squealing with glee and frothing at the mouth because they'd sighted their heartthrob.
Now the millionaire saccharin-sweet Bieber dwarf has invaded New Zealand, which has only recently recovered from another evil wee creature from abroad.
But nothing has prepared the small antipodean country for Bieber, shown here, refusing to greet billions of girly fans "until his bottom was powdered and he was given his big boy pants," said a frustrated official.
"We understood why young girls lost their rag when the Fab Four came to New Zealand. But no-one can understand this insane infatuation with Bieber. I mean, for goodness sake, his career was only just conceived."
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