White House Operator: Obama?
President: I'M Obama. Get me the other 'O' - Oprah.
White House Operator: Oh.
O: Hello Barack, you been kicking anyone's ass this morning?
President: Very funny. You should be on television. Look, I need to get media off the BP thing. Any ideas?
O: Invite Princess Fergie to the White House. Get her all likkered up. Give her a briefcase full of cash. That ought to do it.
President: This is not very productive.
O: Rush Limbaugh would say that about your first year in office. What about soccer? Go to South Africa and meet with Mandela.
President: I like that. We can do live remotes to your show, right?
O: Sure. Just get Mandela. Or Justin Bieber. Or Fergie.
President. I can get Mandela. Not sure about Bieber. Can't afford Fergie.
O: Ha. You should be on television. Chow.
President: Get me M.
White House Operator: Michelle?
President: Mandela.
White House Operator: Putting you through now.
Mandela: Hello Oprah dear. How are you doing?
President: It's Barack.
Mandela: silence
President: The other 'O'... President Obama.
Mandela: Of course. Barack, my boy, how are you?
President: In need of some good PR. Can we meet at the World Cup?
Mandela: No, I'm too busy meeting with Justin Bieber and Fergie.
President: silence
Mandela: Got ya! 'O' texted me before you called. She sends her love. Ha.
President: You should be on television.
Mandela: You, too. And judging by your approval ratings, you'll have your own show in 2012...
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